What Does COVID Mean for Cleaners? - How to Clean a Short Term Rental During Coronavirus

Properly cleaning each unit has always been a main priority in the short-term rental industry, but the need for an exceptional clean is even more important now with the rise of the coronavirus. It is the responsibility of all of us - the owners, property managers, cleaners and guests to ensure that everyone stays safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. We have compiled the ways that our cleaners have adapted their cleaning habits and what Airbnb recommends to their hosts. 

Difference Between Cleaning and Disinfecting

First, it is important to note that there is a difference between cleaning and disinfecting a surface. When you clean, you are removing germs and visible dirt such as a spot on the stove. When you disinfect, you are using chemicals to kill the germs - not just remove them. When you use both methods - cleaning a surface and then disinfecting, you lower the risk of infection drastically. 

Don’t Just Run In

Although it is nice to get the maximum amount of revenue and guests, it is important to not do turnovers during this time (having a guest check-out in the morning and another check-in in the afternoon of the same day). It is suggested to leave at least 24 hours between a check-out and cleaning and then another 24 hours before a guest can check-in. This ensures that any lingering germs have a chance to die before another person goes into the unit.

Protect Yourself

As the cleaner, you are exposing yourself first-hand to the germs and areas that the previous guests were staying in for anywhere from one night to several months. It is important to protect yourself by wearing gloves and a mask that covers your mouth and nose at all times when inside the unit. Be sure to not touch yourself, even if you are wearing protective gear - this means to avoid your eyes, mouth, nose and your face in general.

Let the Room Breathe

Airbnb recommends that units should be well ventilated before being cleaned. This can be done by simply opening the windows and doors. If the unit has it, you could also utilize the installed ventilating fans to help circulate the air flow. 

Wash Your Hands

Although you may be wearing gloves, it is crucial that you still wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after each unit and between glove changes. If it is not possible to wash your hands, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol until you can get to a sink to properly clean your hands. 

Use the Right Products

It is important to be using the correct disinfectant for each surface you are cleaning to ensure that you have taken every precaution to diminish the possibility of the virus staying behind. Most common household disinfectants are okay to use, along with diluted household bleach and cleaners with at least 70% alcohol. These above are believed to be most effective against COVID-19.

Clean Everything

Be sure not to forget to clean and disinfect sofas, rugs, drapes and other soft surfaces that could potentially hold onto germs for a longer period of time. Use the manufacturer recommended cleaners and methods to ensure it is cleaned to the maximum extent.

The Sheets

When washing the linens, be sure to clean them at the highest heat setting recommended by the manufacturer. An extra step would be to use a colour safe bleach solution (so long as is alright by the manufacturer) to help wash and disinfect every linen. 

Don’t Carry Dirt Around

Even if it is a vacuum cleaner that stays at one unit, if possible empty it out between each use that way if there are any germ they will be out of the house. This is particularly important if it is a vacuum cleaner that you take with you from unit to unit - you do not want any germs to travel with you. 

Leaving the Unit

It is very important to make sure that you are properly disposing your gloves after each unit, that way you do not contaminate yourself or your surroundings. Try taking them off after you remove the garbage from the unit but before you go to your car. Keep your used, reusable cloths in a sealable bag and do not use them again until they are properly cleaned and disinfected.

Ready to Go

By using these guidelines you can keep your units as safe as possible for not only your guests but for yourself. Try to treat every surface as if it is infected while cleaning so that you can take the proper precautions while cleaning and disinfecting the whole unit. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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